A downloadable visual novel for Windows and macOS

Buy Now$30.00 USD or more

Early Access Now Available!

Current build includes: Prologue, both Common Routes,  Robin's Route, and Will's Route.

What do you do when your best isn't good enough?

Lady Marion of Glastonbury is going to have to figure that out, and fast. Removed from her position of power and thrust into an unwanted arranged marriage, she finds herself careening through Sherwood Forest toward the troubled town of Nottingham.

Released from the confines of her previous life, who will Marion become?  A freedom fighter? A knight-at-arms? A reluctant spy?  Will she help create peace in Nottingham or hasten the coming confrontation between the strict Sheriff and the rebel Robin Hood?

And will a woman who resisted marriage end up finding love where she least expects it?

Find out when you're... Made Marion.

The tales of Robin Hood have inspired generations of authors and filmmakers.  Now it's time for an otome spin on the legends!  Play as Lady Marion, a proud and courageous young noblewoman whose mistakes land her in an arranged marriage far from home. Discover a magical alternate world where the Robin Hood story co-exists with powerful druids, mysterious fae folk, and dark conspiracies. Enjoy a more traditional, swashbuckling adventure with Robin Hood and his gang or try something new as a spy amidst the political turmoil of Nottingham.

Our Hero

Lady Marion of Glastonbury is a proud, opinionated (some might say "mouthy") young noblewoman. Thrust into an unexpected adventure, she'll need to decide how to react to the colorful characters she meets. Make role-playing choices for two different kinds of romantic adventures with each love interest!

The Love Interests

Made Marion features seven love interests, three among Robin's band in Sherwood and four found in Nottingham.  In the full game, you'll make an important choice at the end of the prologue that will lead you to either the Sherwood branch or the Nottingham branch of the game. In our demo, you'll be given the choice directly and taken to either the Sherwood or Nottingham common route.

Click the character thumbnail to view their full profile!

Sherwood LIs:

Robin John Will

Robin Hood: Master archer, charming devil, and leader of the Sherwood rebels.
Little John: A gentle giant of a man with inhuman strength.
Will, the Scarlet Blade: Master swordsman, daredevil, and resentful youth.

Nottingham LIs:

Meissa Alanna
Geoffrey Gui

Meissa: A kindhearted fortune-teller from an enemy land.
Alanna Dale: A cheerful bard with a fistful of secrets.
Lord Geoffrey: The infamous Sheriff of Nottingham himself.
Gui la Londe: An idealistic chevalier in Lord Geoffrey's court.

Early Access:

Made Marion is now in Early Access!  Currently only Robin and Will's routes are available. All routes will be released as they are completed. Please feel free to jump in whenever we have enough content that you feel comfortable purchasing the game.


Buy Now$30.00 USD or more

In order to download this visual novel you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $30 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Made Marion Early Access 2.1 for Mac 1.3 GB
Version 4
Made Marion Early Access 2.1 for Windows 1.3 GB
Version 5

Download demo

Made Marion Demo for Mac 858 MB
Made Marion Demo for PC 873 MB
Made Marion Manual.pdf 6.9 MB

Development log

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Is there a planned release order?   I poked around but can't see what order the routes will be released in.  I assume John is next?  But how long do we need to wait until we get Geoffrey? 🥺


Meanwhile, I'm probably the one person waiting for Alanna. Considering this is an otome game, and Alanna is female, I'm worried that her route is going to be made last.


The rest of the routes are coming in this order:


and Will's route?

It's already out!


Waiting and needing Laytons route.....


*waits patiently for geoffrey*


same girl same!!!!

We were too vocal, they're doing him last to torment us 😭

(2 edits) (+1)

Cant wait for Nottingham route especially Geoffrey he's so dreamy 😍 and is Alvin a love interest or not?

(2 edits)

I'm not the creator, but I can confirm he is not planned to be from Velvet's previous comments about this elsewhere.


Alvin will be a love interest in the next game!


So glad Geoff is a potential LI because I have questions that need answers that I'm pretty sure only a romance can reveal lol.

so if we backed the kickstarter all those years ago when do we get our key? :o

The keys were sent out last November, please contact us on Kickstarter if you can't find yours.

Adored the latest route (Will's) and how different it was to Robin's. The trickle of information and learning a little more about the world of your Robin Hood tale and its players is so intriguing to me.

The writing is excellent, how different all these characters motivations and feelings are so different from one another and they blend together so well.

I love the different perspectives of the same characters in different routes as well. How things change and characters do different things depending on where Marion goes and who she chooses. Obviously it's a very simple concept for visual novels, but it really shines when the writing is so in depth for its world and its characters.

Originally I was most excited to see Robin and Geoffrey and that's still a little true. But I've come to love  and be intrigued by them all, particularly Meissa lol Eagerly waiting for more!


It is absolutely hilarious to read the other comments and, despite the first route being Robin's, everyone is still thinking about Geoffrey. I don't blame them, I am too. And John. And Layton. -heavy sigh-

I can be patient. I will wait for each of my lads' route and this Layton DLC I heard about? Tell me it's true! Take my money, let me romance the mysterious druid.

Due to my currency, the early access was a pricy thing for me (thankfully steam regional pricing saved me somewhat), but the demo was so delightful that I wanted to take the chance, and I was fairly confident that I wouldn't be disappointed. The art, the music, the writing and the lore captivated me immediately. And though you can tell Robin is pretty low on my list of Targets, the excellent quality I was looking forward to meant that I was happy to play whoever's route would come out first. No regrets, I came away really loving Robin and his Warrior Lady.

I can only imagine what a huge undertaking this game is, so I will reign in my impatience. Believe me when I say I will wait for each update with delight. And if you ever need a beta-reader or an assistant writer... -finger guns-

Thank you for this wonderful experience.


Thank you so much! I'm glad Steam regional pricing was useful for you. As a Canadian, I understand currency conversion pain.

We're busy with Will's route now and yes, Layton and a mystery love interest will be released as a standalone DLC game after the main game is out!

If you haven't seen the love interest PoV scenes in the Extras menu yet, there's one between John and Robin that I rather like. Thanks again for your support!


Oooh! I didn't know there were love interest PoV scenes! I must have missed that if it was mentioned somewhere in the game. What a treat. I've watched them now and oh Robin... how can someone be so smart and so breathtakingly stupid at the same time.


Ha ha ha, smart and yet breathtakingly stupid is the human condition, methinks. :D

Was replaying Robin's route and gotta say I am wondering at the Achievements... I managed to get both of the ending ones and the gold one beneath but?

I was wondering if the manual could in the future maybe have some help wrt achievement goals and routes? Honestly wondering which are the ones I've yet to unlock

We'll have a game guide/lorebook/art book available closer to our final launch, and I'm sure folks will write some achievement guides as well. I do plan to make a guide for the free choices you can make that can change your experience but don't lead to a specific ending (for example, the choice whether to write an angry or diplomatic letter to Marion's father). I should have that in place when I release Will's route.


I've just finished Robin's route and really impressed. Clearly a lot of work went into it and really excited for the other routes. I also really appreciated that characters are not black and white, the artwork is stunning and I'm intrigued by how the little details mentioned in one route will unfold in others.

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

I must be early on my early access route bc tell me why I kinda wish I could romance Layton...

Geoff darling just u wait too


I was, indeed, speaking far too early lol. Regardless, ahhh this game. I love it to pieces!

Thank you so much!

I purchased this on itch, is it possible to get a steam key?

We're not really set up for itch/Steam key exchanges unless you're a backer, sorry!  If you are a backer, please contact me on Kickstarter.


just finished Robin’s route in Early Access and it was awesome! truly blown away, the writing is so good and i really dig the art style — i’ve been following the updates for awhile and i’m even more excited for the future releases now 💕 


Just played Robin's route, he surprised me in how compassionate and intense his emotion was. 

(below is my opinion on Geoffrey and unfair rants)






man, even when I'm deep into Robin's route when there's a chance to protect that man at all cost I sent my mc to run to protect him at ALL COST. So, it kinda sucks, but as expected, that in the bad end when we go with Geoffrey, we don't get to see him at all and meet such an end like that. In truth, I didn't finish Robin's route. I guess it's a combination of he's not the kind of character I'm into and with him being the flirty type and mc find him so attractive and irresistible just make me disassociate myself mentally instead of being into the story that even when Robin had his moments that I felt touched with his feelings for the mc, I decided to quit the game after they confessed their feelings. I'll pick the game up again when Geoffrey's route has been released and give Robin's route a try again after. I'm still a bit sad that it's going to take longer for me to enjoy the game. I get that maybe the order of the routes are necessary to for the developers to slowly reveal the mysteries, but when you knew you could not enjoy the game properly until you get what attracted you to this heavily-focused romance game in the first place there's just not many things in the story to capture your interest.


I was really looking forward to the release of this novel and now it's finally in early access! Ahh!! UWU

Special thanks for the Steam release, where I purchased VN!
I've just started reading and remembering events (I've been reading the demo for a looong~ time), but I can say that I already like Robin's route (although also didn't expect him so much)! 

I also belong to the sheriff's fans, and even though I'm going to continue reading other routes, but the heart still belongs to Geoffrey, sorry not sorry :"з It's so hard to think of him as a negative character in Robin's route, haha

I especially like the graphic and the musical components of the novel, it all just looks and sounds great!! Also, the text itself is very well written! English is not my native language and sometimes interesting works just "don't go" with me because of the style of writing. But not here! It's really interesting to read here!! Thank you for this work and I will wait for the next updates <3

Thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Oh wow, been a while since I've been on itchio. Exciting to see how far along this is!

(1 edit)

Hey, just reporting a bug. When trying to extract the Windows Early Access version with WinRAR, I keep getting a message that the archive is corrupt. The error might be related to this file:  MadeMarion-1.0EA-win\game\images.rpa

It looks like you may have had a hiccup while downloading.  I tested the archive with native Windows unzip, 7zip, and WinRAR (most recent non-beta version) and all of them extracted the files without issue.  Try re-downloading?

Yep, it was a hiccup while downloading. Thanks!

Glad you got it to work!


I LOVED Robin's route, and he was the person I was least excited about from the demo. (No shade, just the least my type.) Great storytelling, wonderful art. I'm interested in trying other decisions, but trying not to binge everything at once.

Will pine for Geoffrey, but that will make it all the sweeter in the end.


Geoffrey in Robin's Route: Hi, I'm being a gigantic jerk!

Geoffrey fans:  ::happy sigh::

I'm just joshin' y'all.  I knew it would be like that with Geoffrey from the moment I decided it was important to be able to romance the Sheriff.


this is not even a joke imo, he may be chaotic good, but the heart wants what the heart wants lol

I think of him as lawful neutral, though that probably looks a bit different than usual since he IS the law.


I rushed to buy the Early Access as soon as it was available and I am so tremendously happy to say it was everything I hoped it would be and more. Already one of my favourite romantic visual novels of all time and it's not even complete yet. I love the differences between routes A and B, because they fit so well despite the differences. And the variations were so interesting. I'm a little sad Geoffry's route is last because I'm most excited for his route next, but the wait for Robin's was 100% worth it. 

Thank you so much!  

I do know Geoff is a huge fan favourite, but I promise that's not why he's the final route. It just makes the most sense to go last due to plot reveals and also, writing the Geoff/Gui split route is going to kill me (but I'm also very excited for it).

dw, even if they’re not my immediate favourites, I don’t doubt I will fall in love with all the other LIs just as much as I did Robin! And just like Robin’s route, ik they’ll all be worth it!

Deleted 1 year ago

Yes, we will be Early Access on both Itch and Steam. Feel free to buy on your preferred platform!

Are there any plans for a mobile version?

There aren't, sorry!

I'm so excited for this to be completed - been waiting so long!! <3

Sorry about the delays from last year (the whole team got knocked down by major illness and other IRL issues).  We're getting ready to beta our first route now, and we'll be releasing them one by one in Early Access (buy once, get access to everything as it's released - only full routes will be released so no cliffhangers) starting this fall.

Thanks for sticking with us, we're very excited to be turning out the game at last!


Hi, will there be an option to make the MC male or female in the full release at all?


Hello! Marion is not a customizable protagonist, as her social position and gender identity are important to the plot.

Heyho I Just wanted to ask a question. I pre-ordered the game here, the price is at least 27 €. On the backerkit page it says 37€. Is the content different or is there a bonus to it? Maybe I am just confused and mixed things up🙈 Can’t wait for the game release ❤️

(2 edits) (+1)

The content is the same, don't worry! The prices might be different in different regions because the base price on itch.io is in USD and on Backerkit the base price is in CAD (Canadian dollars - I live in Canada and Kickstarter/Backerkit require me to use my own currency for the base price).  Different sites use different currency conversion formulas, too, and the Euro may have lost value between then and now (North America is going through massive inflation issues). So the big difference is probably found in currency conversion formulas between USD/CAD/Euro. Please feel free to take advantage of whichever is the best deal for you, which it looks like you did!

Ahh I understand, and yes I already pre order it ❤️☝️Thank you very much for the fast reply. Have a great (day?) night🦝


Hi! Is any skin or appearance option available in the full version/


Marion is not customizable, sorry!

Is Layton going to be a secret future love interest option? His appearances in the demo make me feel like he is....


Layton will be a love interest in our standalone DLC, Made Marion: Light and Shadow.  The other DLC love interest is a secret and will be announced after the game's full release.


 I played the demo as part of the storyteller festival on steam.  I really enjoyed the mix of magic and robin hood.  Looking forward to the full game.  I've always loved that Marian was not a "damsel" and could hold her own.


Thanks, glad you found us!

Hello! the new demo is giving me a severe security warning. Is this normal?

It is, unfortunately, simply because Ren'py is open source software. Is it an Apple security warning or a virus checker?  If it's a virus checker, let me know which one and I'll submit my executable to them for scanning so that they can put us on their whitelist.

Thank you for replying! I downloaded it a third time just now to check, and it extracted! thank you for helping out anyway! :)