Made Marion Development Update, August 2021

I've left out our logo this month because Warrior Marion deserves to head up everything. That's right, our new Marion sprite is ready to go.  I'm currently setting up some code so that I can more easily code in her many outfits and expressions, but this means that our pilot beta test, which features the prologue, will be coming soon! If you're a beta backer, you should be getting an e-mail about how to join in the next few weeks.

The Writing and Coding Department

The second part of the Sherwood Common Route is complete, and I am now writing Robin's route.  I'm being careful with it because the basic timeline of the game's largest events will be nailed down with this first route.

Every character route in Made Marion is different, but some major events will always happen. You will experience them differently (or even just hear about them from afar) depending on your chosen love interest and Marion's situation in that route. 

Because you're with Robin's Rebels on all three Sherwood routes, they are more similar to each other than the Nottingham routes are, but there are still plenty of unique experiences to have in each route. For instance, each of the three Sherwood love interests is in charge of a different branch of the rebellion, giving Marion a unique "mission" in every Sherwood route.

In coding land, Shawna is helping us implement our accessibility options. More on that when it's complete and I can show screenshots, but for now, you can get an idea of the three different fonts that will be available. I've tested with our longest lines, and simply changing the font will not cause the text to overflow the text box. Huzzah!

Base Game Font
DejaVu Sans

The Art Department

Here's a bit more of Marion's new sprite. As you can see, she now has two main poses along with her combat pose. The olive dress she's wearing is her prologue dress, so I'll also show off her signature green velvet dress. Keep an eye out for even more Marion outfits in future updates or on our Discord Server.

Marion does not agree with what Alvin's proposing.
She had to dress up for her father's long-awaited return!

We've also had a chance to meet our first round of creature sprites, being designed by our background artist, Sandra. 

Here's one of our loveable greatstags. They come in three colours, with white largely reserved for Marion and black for Geoffrey.

Also, this might have happened thanks to Discord. ;)

Everybody loves a dapper hat, even greatstags!

The Sound Department

Thanks to early music multi-instrumentalist Mathieu Lavoie, we now have backing tracks for Alanna's bardic tunes that sound period-appropriate! I'll be recording the vocals for them in-studio in September or October. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to practice them much yet thanks to a generous blanketing of wildfire smoke over my area.

Next up in the Sound Department: the audio for our animated lore intro!

See you all in September!

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That hat.... I'm betting the original owner of that hat is looking for it... probably using locating it as an excuse to flirt about. Gui certainly seems the type...


Can you let your Artist know that I love the way the clothes are drawn. I'm not only talking about the design, I'm also talking about the fabric and it's shading.


Will do!  I also adore Arraspo's clothing work!

Thank you! They are so pretty and elegant.