Full Demo Beta Incoming

Gui says, "I want YOU to test my scenes!"

Hi everyone, and happy holidays!

We're on track to release Made Marion's full demo, including the entire Nottingham common route and a graphically enhanced Sherwood route, around the new year. The Nottingham route is considerably longer than Sherwood, so you'll have plenty of time to get to know the new love interests!

It looks like I'll be releasing our first beta client to testers next week. Want to become a tester? Anybody who pledges to our Patreon in December is welcome to join!  You can just join for the month, it's totally cool. $5 gets you demo beta access and access to our dev post archive. $10 gets you the same, plus our lore archive, including short stories that shed light on Robin, John, and Will's backgrounds.

If you've ever subscribed to our Patreon but had to cancel, you're also welcome to join. Just hop onto the Made Marion discord or DM me on Twitter and I'll get you set up. Our patrons have been invaluable to us, helping fund things like Made Marion's trailer and art development.

Otherwise, we hope to see you all when the full demo releases and you can meet the rest of our main cast at long last!  The demo will be followed up by our Kickstarter in February, so this crazy Robin Hood dream can become a reality!

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I'm super hyped! I love the story so far, and even played a few times to see where each choice leads. John is bae!


I can't wait for the demo release and the Kickstarter! Super excited to see Nottingham! John is my favorite from the Sherwood gang, and I have a feeling Meissa will be my fave from Nottingham. Let's see if I was right after the demo :D